Rise Hub

Rise Hub

Rise Hub incorporated in late 2022 a new rising multifunctional space provider in the vicinity of Setia Alam, Shah Alam surrounded by the lush and green mountains and a super landscaping township. It is situated in close proximity to nearby attractions such as Bukit Cherakah known for hiking trail, camping, and mountain biking. There are many good food restaurants and coffee-cafes around, D’network lifestyle hub, and fitness activity centres that support a better work life balance in here.

Rise Hub ~ a shared, collaborative and a mix of open and private workspace cater to the different working needs of individuals to help them be their most productive through the use of a dynamic and collaborative environment. It features variety workspace designed for creatives, including co-making facilities such as a general workshop, project trainings, brainstorming sessions, celebrations, events etc.

R I S E; signify a positive chi space environment to start off everything from ground with energy and enthusiasm; Rise and Shine. A good mindset to approach everything in life, from work to social interactions and relationship, with relentless and progressive force from the time an individual first wakes up.

Please inquire further about pricing by contacting us via WhatsApp at 0123981123.

Our Objective

Rise Hub aims to help businesses to network and meet fellow professionals who can help each other bring their ideas to fruition, meeting the needs of new age people whom reckons that achievement is built on collaborative effort. By choosing to start off your work/project/workshop/meeting at Rise Hub, you and your team get to collaborate with many talented people whom you meet, engage in collaborative work, great resources to bounce ideas off with complementary skills besides enjoying all other services with bells and whistles.

Our Vision
To be a preferred choice of workspace provider promoting a work-life balance in the vicinity of the area.
Our Mission
To provide network of support as collaborative communities in a dynamic and collaborative.
What Rise Hub Set Us Different From The Rest

R - Remember the feeling

I - Integrity

S - Strength in our difference

E - Enjoy and appreciate the journey

H - Have fun, find joy, be you

U - Uniqueness

B - Build the relationships

Core Values

Our values keep us grounded in the most important areas that define who we are and how we operate. We care and give back to help our communities prosper. We show integrity without compromise and have courage to be bold and fearless in our thinking and actions.

  • We Dream
  • We Dare
  • We Care
  • We Deliver

Key Goals

  • Dream Big
  • Think Bold, Think Big, Think Broad
  • Seek Greatness
  • Positive Vibes
  • Make It Happen